Passive Income Cookbook

Monday, November 25, 2019

Earn Extra Money: The Best Work From Home Jobs

Hot off the press from  Clever Girl Finance!

Even though you might not grow rich directly from those jobs, they definitely can help you earn more money. I am doing #2 and #4 so far!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Start with why!

A famous TED talk by Simon Sinek on WHY...

Now up to you: do you know your why?...

Saturday, November 16, 2019

4 Money Beliefs That Limit Your Wealth Inside and Out w/ Kate Northrup

About Money Beliefs...

I would like to share with you today this 18 minutes interview of Kate Northrup by Marie Forleo.

In case you don't know Marie yet, she is a writer, an entrepreneur, a philanthropist, and she is the founder of B-School, which I joined a few years ago. She has a Youtube channel with weekly videos and I just love her! And you might too...

Kate Northrup wrote Money: A Love Story, which I read a few years ago and loved as well. The link to her book on Amazon is below the video.

Now listen and enjoy!

Friday, November 15, 2019

Are your habits helping you?

I know that embarking on this journey means I will have to change some things in my current life.
As Einstein once said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". I am currently learning from a programme that I already love, and it already gets me thinking a lot. Soon it will also means I will have to do a lot of new things, like writing posts here, and using social media. I will have to learn and put in place new habits. But it might also mean that I will have to get rid of old habits. Habits that used to serve me, but do not serve me anymore in my current reality.

I thought it was time to start looking at my current habits (or lack thereof for some) and see which ones needed a change. I would like to prompt you to do the same, if you dare...
So here below are a few questions to get you (and me) thinking:
- do you have a fitness routine? 
- do you walk at least 15 minutes per day average?
- do you get enough sleep? (do you know how much sleep you need?)
- do you meditate?
- do you take time for yourself from time to time?
- do you have passions? Do you pursue them?
- on any given day, how is the balance between the things you need to do and the things you want to do?
- how often do you educate yourself?
- how often do you read self help books or listen to self help talks?
- do you know what drains your energy? do you act on reducing that?
- do you know what brings you energy? do you do more of that?
- are you aware of your financial situation? do you know exactly the status of your bank account(s)?
- do you have goals? do you have a plan to reach them?

OK, that was just a start ;-) Let me know if it resonates!
And remember...↘

With love,

Personal Introduction

Dear reader, I would like to start by introducing myself to you. You can then choose to stay with me here or to leave my blog ;-).

I am French, married with a (flying) Dutchman, mother of 2 beautiful daughters and proud owner of 2 gorgeous Golden Retrievers. We currently live in the South East of France, we moved (back) to my region about 6 years ago, after spending 13 years in the Netherlands.

I have had many different jobs in my career (my LinkedIn profile can enlighten you on that ;-)), and since I came back, I have been working for myself, mainly as a coach and a trainer (but not only!).

I have now started my own journey to wealth and I want to share it with you on this blog.

This is not merely an attempt to get rich quick, I feel my WHY is strong enough now so that I cannot not succeed in it. I MUST succeed and I WILL. And I will not give up. 

We will all have different reasons for wanting to embark on this journey. You might have completely different reasons, you might have just got a divorce, or you lost your job, or you have just recovered from an illness, or non of those. 
In my case, my hubby and I have been living together only partly, due to work and financial reasons. I know I won't have a proper pension, due to my work circumstances. My husband has been pretty sick a few years ago and we are still recovering from this hardship. I am not going to let us exhaust ourselves until our death for the sake of having enough money. I am taking the bull by the horns right now and going for it. Are you with me? Let's get started!

Thanks for being here,


P.S. This is where I live

7 Things Organized People Do That You (Probably) Don't Do

This time, it's not directly related to money, but one needs to be organized before being organized with money... With love,  Madeleine