Passive Income Cookbook

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

How to Train Your Brain... To Make More Money

In 6 minutes, John Assaraf gives us advice on what we can do to effectively train our brain to make more money...

With love,

Monday, December 30, 2019

The power of 3 6 9

That's a big discovery for me and I intend to practice it and come back to you with the result !
Will you do it too ?

With love,

Friday, December 27, 2019

Dandapani and the law of attraction

Dandapani, a Hindu priest and former monk, tells us about concentration and gives us his take on the law of attraction.

With love,

Thursday, December 26, 2019

How Incredibly Successful People THINK

In this short 6' video, Brendon Burchard shares how successful people think and how we too can become successful.

With love,

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How to Master Your Money & Set Yourself Free with Amanda Steinberg

In this 30' video, Marie Forleo interviews Amanda Steinberg, founder of and author of Worth It: Your life, Your Money, Your Terms. 
Their conversation is packed with practical advice!

With love,

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How To Escape Poverty

Speaker David Bayer talks about our beliefs system and how to get our mind working for us, not against us!

With love,

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Secret of Waking Up Early

In this 10' inspirational interview, Mel Robbins shares what it took for her to get unstuck and went from Knowledge to Action.

With love,

Friday, December 20, 2019

STOP searching for your passion and do this instead | Mel Robbins

In this 5' video, Mel tells us to stop searching for passion and purpose and focus on this one simple thing instead...

With love,

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The reason why ONLY 1% succeed...

In this short video, many speakers (such as Mel Robbins, Jim Kwik and others) agree on discipline as the one thing that will change your life forever.

Do you feel you have discipline, or could you do with more?

With love,


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The new habit you absolutely need to have...

In this 10 minutes talk, Mel Robbins tells us why this new habit is so important and how to do it, and it only takes 30 seconds per day. 
So if this is something you don't do yet, it's time you get started ;-) 

With love

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How to end the year well 😍

Hello lovelies,

Before setting our 2020 goals, I think it is also a very good idea to reflect back on 2019 and to close the year properly. If I had started the gratitude jar earlier, I would have all those lovely notes to read ;-) but that will be for next year!

Nevertheless, I want to take some time to ask myself a few questions on 2019, and I invite you to do the same. Here they come (in no particular order):

- What are you grateful for?
- Who are you grateful for?
- What are you proud of? 
- What have you overcome?
- What lessons have you learned this year?
- What new good habit did you take up this year? 
- What bad habit did you get rid of?
- What limiting beliefs did you get rid of?
- In which way are you wiser, richer, healthier, wealthier, happier than last year?

So take a beautiful piece of paper (or your computer), and start with: 
"In 2019, I am grateful...".

When you are finished answering the questions, make sure you keep it in a safe place, where you can find it back. You will get into this gratitude feeling looking at all the good things that came out of this year, even if you started the exercise feeling like it was a *sh* year (that was my case, I lost my mum this year).

Don't stop until you have at least 20, and the more the better of course :-).
Let me know how it goes!

With love and gratitude,

Monday, December 16, 2019

Your new morning routine ?

To continue on the topic of goal setting... Mel Robbins explains how to take the pressure of our big goals and make them accessible, simply by working on them 10 to 15 minutes a day.

With love,

Friday, December 13, 2019

People Are Becoming Millionaires From Amazon... THIS Is How

Shelby explores in this video how people are using the power of Amazon FBA to become millionnaires and interviews one of them.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

2020 Goal Setting

Hi lovely,

It's that time of year again when we look back at the year ending and plan for the year ahead, so I wanted to share with you a few ways to do goal setting that I have used in the past.

1. Be / Do / Have list: it's a simple list with 3 columns as as many rows as you need to list how you want to be, what you want to do, and what you want to have.

2. Keep doing / Stop doing / Start doing: That's a mind map I used last year when I was hoping to simplify my life (and specially all my work-related activities)

3. 10 years / 5 years / 1 year / (further breakdown if wanted): this one is generally used in big companies, but if we have a vision of where we want to be in 10 years time, why not decline it and get concrete steps we want for next years (and we can break it down even further by month)

4. Mood board for the year: I used to do one a year and keep a box with pics and words I cut from magazines. Always a very nice activity, good if you plan to look at it every day, would work a bit like affirmations. Less concrete than words and deadlines but definitely more visual, and inspiring

5. Small movie for the year: I did that once, and I used my Mac video editing software to group pics together, add music and make it a very nice "animated mood board". My problem with that is that I did not take the time to watch it regularly as I think I should have, so a mood board is definitely easier in that respect.

Have you already tried them all? Which one do you prefer? 
Or do you have another idea?
Let me know!

With love,

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Success Story: Mariya Nurislamova and Scentbird

Shelby interviews Mariya Nurislamova, who built Scentbird, her multimillion dollar company with a completely new business model in the fragrances area.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Start a Gratitude Jar

Hello lovely,

I prepared this for you (and me) to print and start a gratitude jar for the new year.

The process is very simple: for each family member having a happy moment, they need to think of writing this memory on a small (coloured if possible) piece of paper, fold it and put it in the jar. 

At the end of the year, for Christmas or New Year, open the jar together and read all those memories to relive those moments together!

With love,


P.S. I also uploaded it here for you to download.

Passive Income using Youtube

In this episode, Sunny shares her tips with us and how she made $5,000 starting from scratch, using Youtube and affiliate marketing.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Book Review: Eat that frog

Hello lovelies,

I wanted to let you know about a book I read recently, that helped me become more focussed and more efficient in my daily life: Eat that frog! from Brian Tracy.

The main message is that, if you eat a living frog at the beginning of your day, everything else that you do that day is going to be (a lot) easier than that! Although I found it a weird metaphor to start with, but it does work. I since started my following days with the task that I was tempted to procrastinate on, and it made me feel good, as well as more efficient for the rest of the day!

Here after are a few other gold nuggets from his 21 methods and techniques that I particularly liked:

- A new habit will work for you if you use the 3 Ds of habit formation: Decision / Discipline / Determination..
- To focus on completing your most important tasks, ask yourself: what are my highest-value activities? What can I and only I do, that if done well, will make a real difference? What is the most valuable use of my time right now?
- If you must procrastinate, as you can't get everything done, procrastinate on the low-value activities!

Let me know what your own gold nuggets are from this book!

With love,


Monday, December 2, 2019

How to use YouTube and build different Income Streams from it

In this episode, Marissa tells us how she makes money online with her different streams (all connected to her YouTube account).

Sunday, December 1, 2019

2 ways to earn passive income in 2020

In this new video, Marissa tells us about using Google and YouTube to make passive income in 2020...

7 Things Organized People Do That You (Probably) Don't Do

This time, it's not directly related to money, but one needs to be organized before being organized with money... With love,  Madeleine